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Bold: undergraduate author
*: graduate student author

DiLiberto, J. F.*, Griffith, S. C., Hall, C. J., Mendelsohn, A. S. and Swaddle, J. P. 2024. Exposure to sublethal concentrations of lead (Pb) affects ecologically relevant behaviors in house sparrows (Passer domesticus). Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. In press.


Hawkins, C. E.*, Pantel, J. H., Palia, S. T., Folks, C. C. and Swaddle, J. P. 2024. Zebra finches increase social behavior in traffic noise: Implications for urban songbirds. Acta Ethologica. DOI:10.1007/s10211-023-00434-4


Brittain, C. N.*, Bessler, A. M.*, Elgin, A. S., Layko, R. B., Park, S., Still, S. E., Wada, H., Swaddle, J. P. and Cristol, D. A. 2023. Mercury causes degradation of spatial cognition in a model songbird species. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 264, 115483. DOI:10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115483


Enos, J. K., Smith, E. B.*, Ward, M. P., Swaddle, J. P. and Hauber M.E. 2023. Increasing perceived predation risk through playbacks shows promise for managing bird abundances in agricultural settings. Ornithological Applications. Duad034. DOI: 10.1093/ornithapp/duad034


Hendrix, T.C., Fernandez-Duque, F., Toner, S., Hitt, L. G., Thady, R. G., Massa, M., Hagler, S. J., Armfield, M., Clarke. N., Honscheid, P., Khalil, S.*, Hawkins, C. E.*, Lantz, S. M.*, Welklin, J. F.*, Swaddle, J. P., Webster, M. S., Karubian, J. 2023. Behavioral differences between ornamented and unornamented male Red-backed Fairywrens (Malurus melanocephalus) in the nonbreeding season. Emu - Austral Ecology, 123, 176-181. DOI:10.1080/01584197.2023.2182224.


Swaddle, J. P., Brewster, B., Schuyler, M. and Su, A. 2023. Window films increase avoidance of collisions by birds but only when applied to external compared with internal surfaces of windows. PeerJ 11:e14676, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.14676.


Thady, R. G.*, Emerson, L. C.* and Swaddle, J. P. 2022. Evaluating acoustic signals to reduce avian collision risk. Peer J, 10:e13313 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.13313.


Emerson, L. C.*, Thady, R. G.*, Robertson, B. A. and Swaddle, J. P. 2022. Do lighting conditions influence bird-window collisions? Avian Conservation and Ecology, DOI: 10.5751/ACE-02167-170203.


Woods, R., Swaddle, J. P., Bearhop, S., Calhoun, K., Gaze, W., Kay, S., McDonald, R. 2022. A Sonic Net deters European Starlings Sturnus vulgaris from maize silage stores. Wildlife Society Bulletin, e1340, DOI: 10.1002/wsb1340.


Fiorini, V. D., Dominguez, M., Reboreda, J. C. and Swaddle, J. P. 2021. A recent invasive population of the European starling Sturnus vulgaris has lower genetic diversity and higher fluctuating asymmetry than primary invasive and native populations. Biological Invasions DOI: 10.1007/s10530-021-02653-x. Download pdf copy.


Greggor, A.L., Berger-Tal, O., Swaisgood, R. R., Cooke, S. J., DeVault, T. L., Fernández-Juricic, E., Gienapp, A., Hall, S., Hostetter, C., Owen, M. A., Rankin, S., Ruppert, K. A., Swaddle, J. P., Blumstein, D. T. 2021. Using change models to envision better applications of animal behavior research in conservation management and beyond. Frontiers in Conservation Science, DOI: 10.3389/fcosc.2021.653056. Download pdf copy.


Boycott, T. J.*, Mullis, S. M., Jackson, B. E. and Swaddle, J. P. 2021 Field testing an “acoustic lighthouse”: Combined acoustic and visual cues provide a multimodal solution that reduces avian collision risk with tall human-made structures. PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249826. Download pdf copy


Werrell, A. K.*, Klug, P. E., Lipcius, R. N. and Swaddle, J. P. 2021 A Sonic Net reduces damage to sunflower by blackbirds (Icteridae): implications for broad-scale agriculture and crop establishment. Crop Protection. DOI: 10.1016/j.cropro.2021.105579. Download pdf copy


Samuels-Fair, M., Martins, M. J. F., Lockwood, R., Swaddle, J. P. and Hunt, G. 2021 Temporal shifts in ostracode sexual dimorphism from the Late Cretaceous to the late Eocene of the U. S. Coastal Plain. Marine Micropaleontology. DOI: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2020.101959. Download pdf copy.


Hawkins, C. E.*, Ritrovato, I. T. and Swaddle, J. P. 2020. Traffic noise alters individual social connectivity, but not space-use, of red-backed fairywrens. Austral Ecology, Oct 24, 1-9. DOI: 10.1080/01584197.2020.1830706. Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P., Emerson, L. C.*, Thady, R. G.* and Boycott, T. J.* 2020. Ultraviolet-reflective film applied to windows reduces the likelihood of collisions for two species of songbird. PeerJ, 8, 9. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.9926. Download pdf copy.


Martins, J. F. M., Hunt, G., Thompson, C. M., Lockwood, R., Swaddle, J. P. and Puckett, T. M. 2020. Shifts in sexual dimorphism across a mass extinction: implications for sexual selection as a factor in extinction risk. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2020.0730. Download pdf copy


Scoville, S. A., Varian-Ramos, C. W., Saha, M. S., Swaddle, J. P., Adkins, G. A. and Cristol, D. A. 2020. Mercury delays cerebellar development in a model songbird species, the zebra finch. Ecotoxicology, DOI:10.1007/s10646-020-02270-9. Download pdf copy


Spickler, J. L.*, Swaddle, J. P., Gilson, R. L., Varian-Ramos, C. W. and Cristol, D. A. 2020. Sexually-selected traits as bioindicators: Exposure to mercury affects carotenoid-based male bill color in zebra finches. Ecotoxicology, DOI:10.1007/s10646-020-02271-8. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 2019. “Zebra Finches”. In Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd Edition. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.


Buchanan, G.M., Parks, B. C., Donald, P. F., O’Donnell, B. F., Runfola, D., Swaddle, J. P., Tracewski, L. and Butchart, S. H. M. 2018. The local impacts of World Bank development projects near sites of conservation significance. Journal of Environment and Development. DOI: 10.1177/1070496518785943. Download pdf copy.


Sommer, N., Moody, N., Lantz, S.* Leu, M., Karubian, J. O. and Swaddle, J. P. 2018 Red-backed fairywrens adjust habitat use in response to dry season fires. DOI:10.1111/aec.12629. Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P. 2018. “Zebra Finches”. In Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, 2nd Edition. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.


Martins, J. F., Puckett, T. M., Lockwood, R., Swaddle, J. P. and Hunt, G. 2018. High male sexual investment as a driver of extinction in fossil ostracodes. Nature, 556, 366–369. DOI:10.1038/s41586-018-0020-7. Download pdf copy.


Paris, O. J.*, Swaddle, J. P. and Cristol, D. A. 2018. Exposure to dietary methyl-mercury solely during embryonic and juvenile development halves subsequent reproductive success in adult zebra finches. Environmental Science and Technology. DOI:10.1021/acs.est.7b04752. Download pdf copy.


Greene, V. A.*, Swaddle, J. P., Moseley, D. M. and Cristol, D. A. 2018. Attractiveness of male zebra finches is not affected by exposure to an environmental stressor, dietary mercury. The Condor: Ornithological Applications. DOI:10/1650/CONDOR-17-19.1. Download pdf copy.


Hunt, G., Martins, J. F., Puckett, T. M., Lockwood, R., Swaddle, J. P., Hall, C. S. and Stedman, J. 2017. Sexual dimorphism and sexual selection in cytheroidean ostracodes from the Late Cretaceous of the US Coastal Plain. Paleobiology. DOI:10.1017/pab.2017.19. Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P. and Ingrassia, N. M.* 2017. Using a sound field to reduce the risks of bird-strike: an experimental approach. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 2017. DOI:10.1093/icb/icx026. Download pdf copy.


Martins, M. J. F., Swaddle, J. P., Lockwood, R., Horne, D. J. and Hunt, G. 2017. Correlation between investment in sexual traits and valve sexual dimorphism in Cyprideis species (Ostracoda). PLoS ONE, 12, e0177791. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0177791. Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P., Diehl, T., Taylor, C., Fanaee, A., Benson, J., Huckstep, N. and Cristol, D. A. 2017. Exposure to dietary mercury alters cognition and behavior of zebra finches. Current Zoology, 2017. DOI:10.1093/cz/zox007. Download pdf copy.


Peterson, E.*, Buchwalter, D., Kerby, J., LeFauve, M., Varian-Ramos, C, W. and Swaddle, J. P. 2017. Integrative Behavioral Eco-Toxicology: Bringing together fields to establish new insight to behavioral ecology, toxicology, and conservation. Current Zoology, 2017. DOI:10.1093/cz/zoox010. Download pdf copy.


Wolf, S. E.*, Swaddle, J. P., Cristol, D. A. and Buchser, W. J. 2017. Methylmercury exposure reduces the auditory brainstem response of zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology, 2017. DOI:10.1007/s10162-017-0619-7. Download pdf copy.


Griffith, S. C. et al [52 co-authors listed alphabetically] 2017. Variation in reproductive success across captive populations: methodological differences, potential biases and opportunities. Ethology, 123: 1-29. DOI:10.1111/eth.12576. Download pdf copy.


Buck, K. A.*, Varian-Ramos, C. W., Cristol, D. A. and Swaddle, J. P. 2016. Blood mercury levels of zebra finches are heritable: implications for the evolution of mercury resistance. PLoS ONE 11: e0162440; DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0162440. Download pdf copy.


Potvin, D.A., Curcio, M. T., Swaddle, J. P. and MacDougall-Shackleton, S. A. 2016. Experimental exposure to urban and pink noise affects brain development and song learning in zebra finches (Taeniopygia guttata). PeerJ, 4: e2287; DOI 10.7717/peerj.2287 Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P., Moseley, D. L., Hinders, M. K. and Smith, E. P. 2016. A sonic net excludes birds from an airfield: implications for reducing bird strike and crop losses. Ecological Applications, 26: 339-345. DOI 10.1890/15-0829.1. Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P. 2016 “Evolution and Conservation Behaviour.” In Conservation Behaviour: Applying Behavioural Ecology to Wildlife Conservation and Management (O. Berger-Tal and D. Saltz, Eds.), pp. 35-65. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Swaddle, J. P. 2016. “Zebra Finches”. In Reference Module in Life Sciences. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Elsevier.


Swaddle, J. P., Francis, C. D., Barber, J. R., Cooper, C. B., Kyba, C. C. M., Dominoni, D., Shannon, G., Aschehoug, E., Goodwin, S. E., Kawahara, A. Y., Luther, D., Spoelstra, K., Voss, M. and Longcore, T. 2015. A framework to assess evolutionary responses to anthropogenic light and sound. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, DOI:10.1016/j.tree.2015.06.009. Download pdf copy.


Kight, C. R.* and Swaddle, J. P. 2015. Male bluebirds alter their song in response to anthropogenic changes in the acoustic environment. Integrative and Comparative Biology, DOI: 10.1093/icb/icv070. Download pdf copy.


Mahjoub, G.*, Hinders, M. H. and Swaddle, J. P. 2015. Using a “sonic net” to deter pest bird species: excluding European starlings from food sources by disrupting their acoustic communication. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 39:326–333. Download pdf copy.


Kobiela, M.*, Cristol, D. A. and Swaddle, J. P. 2015. Risk-taking behaviours in zebra finches affected by mercury exposure. Animal Behaviour, 103: 153-160. Download pdf copy.


Carlson, J. R.*, Cristol, D. A. and Swaddle, J. P. 2014. Dietary mercury exposure causes decreased escape takeoff flight performance and increased molt rate in European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris). Ecotoxicology, DOI 10.1007/s10646-014-1288-5. Download pdf copy.


Varian-Ramos, C. W., Swaddle, J. P. and Cristol, D. A. 2014. Mercury reduces avian reproductive success and imposes selection: an experimental study with adult- or lifetime-exposure in zebra finch. PLoS ONE, 9, e95674. Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P. 2014. “Behavioral Ecology.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Evolutionary Biology (J. Losos, Ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.


Varian-Ramos, C. W., Swaddle, J. P. and Cristol, D. C. 2013 Familial differences in the effects of mercury on reproduction in zebra finches. Environmental Pollution 182, 316-323. Download pdf copy.


Wilson, L. C.* and Swaddle, J. P. 2013 Manipulating the perceived opportunity to cheat: an experimental test of the active roles of male and female zebra finches in mate guarding behavior. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology Download pdf copy.


Reding, L. P., Swaddle, J. P. and Murphy, H. A. 2013 Sexual selection hinders adaptation in experimental populations of yeast. Biology Letters 2013 9, 20121202. Download pdf copy.


Lewis, C. A.*, Cristol, D. C., Swaddle, J. P., Varian-Ramos, C. W. and Zwollo, P. 2012 Decreased immune response in zebra finches exposed to sublethal doses of mercury. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, November 2012. Download pdf copy.


Kight, C. R.*, Saha, M. S. and Swaddle, J. P. 2012 Anthropogenic noise is associated with reductions in the productivity of breeding eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis). Ecological Applications 22, 1989-1996. Download pdf copy.


Kortz, K. M., Swaddle, J. P. and Fastovsky, D. E. 2012 How undergraduate students misread cladograms. In Teaching Paleontology in the 21st Century (M. M. Yacobucci and R. Lockwood, Eds.), pp. 123-134. The Paleontological Society Special Publication Volume 12, Boulder, CO. Download pdf copy.


Edmonds, L. C. and Swaddle, J. P. 2012 Effective structures for sustainability programs in higher education. In Sustainable Development at Universities: New Horizons (W. Leal, Ed.), Environmental Education, Communication and Sustainability. Vol. 34, pp: 449-459. Peter Lang Scientific PublishersPublishers, Frankfurt. Download pdf copy.


Kight, C. R.*, Hinders, M. H. and Swaddle, J. P. 2012 Avian acoustic space is affected by anthropogenic habitat features: implications for bird vocal communication. Ornithological Monographs 74, 47-62. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., Kight, C. R.*, Perera, S., Davila-Reyes, E. and Sikora, S. 2012 Constraints on acoustic signaling among birds breeding in secondary cavities: the effects of weather, cavity material, and noise on sound propagation. Ornithological Monographs 74, 63-77. Download pdf copy


Kight, C. R.* and Swaddle, J. P. 2011 How and why environmental noise impacts animals: an integrative mechanistic review. Ecology Letters 14, 1052-1061. Download pdf copy


Cornell, K. L., Kight, C. R.*, Burdge, R. B.*, Gunderson, A. R.*, Hubbard, J. K.*, Jackson, A. K.*, Leclerc, J. E.*, Pitts, M. L.*, Swaddle, J. P., and Cristol, D. C. 2011. Reproductive success of eastern bluebirds (Siala sialis) on suburban golf courses. Auk 128, 1-10. Download pdf copy.


Swaddle, J. P. 2011 Assessing the developmental stress hypothesis in the context of a reaction norm. Behavioral Ecology 22, 13-14. Download pdf copy


Rowe. M.*, Swaddle, J. P., Pruett-Jones, S. and Webster, M. S. 2010 Plumage coloration, ejaculate quality and reproductive phenotype in the red-backed fairy-wren. Animal Behaviour 79, 1239-1246. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 2010 “The zebra finch”. In: The Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior. Eds. M. Breed and J. Moore. London: Elsevier. Download pdf copy of proofs


Duffy, J. E., Canuel, E. A., Adey, W. and Swaddle, J. P. 2009 Biofuels: algae. Science. 326, 1345a. Download pdf copy


Gunderson, A. R.*, Forsyth, M. H. and Swaddle, J. P. 2009. Correlational evidence that plumage bacteria influence feather coloration and body condition of eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis). Journal of Avian Biology 40, 440-447. Download pdf copy


Karubian, J. O., Swaddle, J. P., Varian, C. W.* and Webster, M. S. 2009. The relative importance of male tail length and nuptial plumage on social dominance and mate choice in the red-backed fairy-wren: evidence for the multiple receiver hypothesis. Journal of Avian Biology. 40, 559-568. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Calos, S. E. 2008 Increased avian diversity is associated with lower incidence of human West Nile infection: observation of the dilution effect. PLoS ONE, 3, e2488. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. (Lead Author); J. Emmett Duffy (Topic Editor). 2008. "Evolution." In: Encyclopedia of Earth. Eds. Cutler J. Cleveland (Washington, D.C.: Environmental Information Coalition, National Council for Science and the Environment).


Swaddle, J. P. , Ruff, D. A., Page, L. C., Frame, A. M. and Long, V. A. 2008 A test of receiver perceptual performance: European starlings' abilities to detect asymmetry in a naturalistic trait. Animal Behaviour, 76, 487-495. Download pdf copy


Gunderson, A. R.*, Frame, A. M., Forsyth, M. H. and Swaddle, J. P. 2008 Resistance of melanized feathers to bacterial degradation: Is it really so black and white? Journal of Avian Biology, 39, 539-545. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J.P. and Clelland, R. E. 2008 Deciding who to mate with: do female finches follow fashion? In Pyschology of Decision Making (F. Columbus, Ed.) NOVA Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York. Download pdf copy


Kight, C. R.* and Swaddle, J. P. 2007 Associations of direct anthropogenic disturbance with fitness, growth, and condition of eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis). Biological Conservation, 138, 189-197. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Page, L. C. 2007 Increased amplitude of environmental white noise erodes pair preferences in zebra finches: implications for noise pollution. Animal Behaviour, 74, 363-368 . Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Johnson, C. W. 2007 European starlings are capable of discriminating subtle size asymmetries in paired stimuli. Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 87, 39-49. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., McBride, L. E. and Malhotra, S. 2006 Female zebra finches prefer unfamiliar males but not when watching non-interactive video. Animal Behaviour, 72, 161-167. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., Cathey, M. G., Correll, M. and Hodkinson, B. P. 2005 Socially transmitted mate preferences in a monogamous bird: a non-genetic mechanism of sexual selection. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 272, 1053-1058. Download pdf copy


Le Clerc, J. E.*, Che, J. P., Swaddle, J. P. and Cristol, D. A. 2005 Reproductive success and developmental stability of eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) on golf courses: evidence that golf courses can be productive. Wildlife Conservation Bulletin, 33, 483-493. Download pdf copy of proofs


Swaddle, J. P., Che, J. P. and Clelland, R. E. 2004 Symmetry preference as a cognitive by-product in starlings. Behaviour, 141, 469-478. 


Swaddle, J. P. and Ruff, D. A. 2004 Starlings have difficulty detecting dot asymmetry: implications for studying fluctuating asymmetry. Behaviour, 141, 29-40. Download pdf copy


Williams, E. V.* and Swaddle, J. P. 2003 Moult, flight performance, and wingbeat kinematics during take-off in European Starlings Sturnus vulgaris. Journal of Avian Biology, 34, 371-378. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Lockwood, R. 2003 Wingtip shape and flight performance in the European Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) Ibis, 145, 457-464. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 2003 Fluctuating asymmetry, animal behavior, and evolution. Advances in the Study of Behavior. 32, 169-205. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Reierson, G. W. 2002 Testosterone increases perceived dominance but not attractiveness in human males. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 269, 2285-2289. Download pdf copy


Karubian, J.* and Swaddle, J. P. 2001 Selection on females can create 'larger males'. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 268, 725-728. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Pruett-Jones, S. 2001 Starlings can categorize symmetry differences in dot displays. American Naturalist, 158, 300-307. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Biewener, A. A. 2000 Physiology - Exercise and reduced muscle mass in starlings. Nature, London, 406, 585-586. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., Pruett-Jones, S. and Karubian, J.* 2000 A novel evolutionary pattern of reversed sexual dimorphism in fairy-wrens: implications for sexual selection. Behavioral Ecology, 11, 345-349. Download pdf copy


Rayner, J. M. V. and Swaddle, J. P. 2000 Aerodynamics and behavior of take-off and molt in birds. In Biomechanics in Animal Behavior (P. Domenici and R. Blake, Eds.), pp. 125-157. BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd, Oxford. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 2000 Is fluctuating asymmetry a visual signal? In In Animal Signals. Signalling and Signal Design in Animal Communication (Y. Espmark, T. Amundsen and G. Rosenqvist, Eds.), pp. 155-175. Tapir Publishers, Trondheim, Norway. Download pdf copy


Sneddon, L. U.* and Swaddle, J. P. 1999 Asymmetry and fighting performance in the shore crab, Carcinus maenas. Animal Behaviour, 58, 431-435. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 1999 Visual signalling by asymmetry: a review of perceptual processes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. 354, 1383-1393. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 1999 Limits to length asymmetry detection: implications for biological signalling. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 266, 1299-1303. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., Williams, E. V.* and Rayner, J. M. V. 1999 The effect of simulated flight feather moult on escape take-off performance in starlings. Journal of Avian Biology. 30, 351-358. Download pdf copy


Lockwood, R.*, Swaddle, J. P. and Rayner, J. M. V. 1998 Avian wingtip shape reconsidered: wingtip shape indices and morphological adaptations to migration. Journal of Avian Biology, 29, 273-292. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Lockwood, R.* 1998 Morphological adaptations to predation risk in passerines. Journal of Avian Biology, 29, 172-176. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Witter, M. S. 1998 Cluttered habitats reduce wing asymmetry and increase flight performance in European starlings. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 42, 281-287. Download pdf copy


Hunt, S.*, Cuthill, I. C., Swaddle, J. P. and Bennett, A. T. D. 1997 Ultraviolet vision and band colour preferences in females zebra finches, Taeniopygia guttata. Animal Behaviour, 54, 1383-1392. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 1997a On the heritability of developmental stability. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 10, 57-61. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 1997b Developmental stability and predation success in an insect predator-prey system. Behavioral Ecology, 8, 433-436. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 1997c Within-individual changes in developmental stability affect flight performance. Behavioral Ecology, 8, 601-604. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 1997d Experimental design and the signalling properties of fluctuating asymmetry. Animal Behaviour, 54, 1034-1037. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Cuthill, I. C. 1997 The biological relevance of testing for perfect symmetry. Animal Behaviour, 54, 475-476. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Witter, M. S. 1997a On the ontogeny of developmental stability in a stabilized trait. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 264, 329-334. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Witter, M. S. 1997b The effects of molt on the flight performance, body mass and behavior of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris): an experimental approach. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 75, 1135-1146. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Witter, M. S. 1997c Food availability and molt in European starlings Sturnus vulgaris. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 75, 948-953. Download pdf copy


Witter, M. S. and Swaddle, J. P. 1997 Body mass regulation in juvenile starlings: response to periodic food availability. Functional Ecology, 11, 11-15. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. 1996 Reproductive success and symmetry in zebra finches. Animal Behaviour, 51, 203-210. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., Witter, M. S., Cuthill, I. C., Budden, A. and McCowen, P. 1996 Plumage condition affects flight performance in common starlings: implications for developmental homeostasis, abrasion and molt. Journal of Avian Biology, 27, 103-111. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Cuthill, I. C. 1995 Asymmetry and human facial attractiveness: symmetry may not always be beautiful. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 261, 111-116. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Witter, M. S.* 1995 Chest plumage, dominance and fluctuating asymmetry in female starlings. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 260, 219-223. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., Witter, M. S.* and Cuthill, I. C. 1995 Museum studies measure FA. Animal Behaviour, 49, 1700-1701. Download pdf copy


Witter, M. S.*, Swaddle, J. P. 1995 Dominance, competition and energetic reserves in the European starling Sturnus vulgaris. Behavioral Ecology, 6, 343-348. Download pdf copy


Witter, M. S.*, Swaddle, J. P. and Cuthill, I. C. 1995 Periodic food availability and strategic regulation of body mass in the European starling, Sturnus vulgaris. Functional Ecology, 9, 568-574. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Cuthill, I. C. 1994a Preference for symmetric males by female zebra finches. Nature, London, 367, 165-166. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Cuthill, I. C. 1994b Female zebra finches prefer males with symmetrically manipulated chest plumage. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 258, 267-271. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P. and Witter, M. S.* 1994 Food, feathers and fluctuating asymmetry. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 255, 147-152. Download pdf copy


Swaddle, J. P., Witter, M. S.* and Cuthill, I. C. 1994 The analysis of fluctuating asymmetry. Animal Behaviour, 48, 986-989. Download pdf copy


Witter, M. S.* and Swaddle, J. P. 1994 Fluctuating asymmetry, competition and dominance. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences, 256, 299-303. Download pdf copy


Cuthill, I. C., Swaddle, J. P. and Witter, M. S.* 1993 Fluctuating asymmetry. Nature, London, 363, 217-218. Download pdf copy




Møller, A. P. and Swaddle, J. P. 1997 Asymmetry, Developmental Stability and Evolution. Oxford University Press. Available at Amazon.




Swaddle, J. P. and Boycott, T, J.* 2020. Systems and methods for reducing the risks of bird strike. US Provisional Application No. 63/082,025


Swaddle, J. P. 2018. Systems and methods for reducing the risks of bird strike. Provisional Patent No. 62536040.


Swaddle, J. P. and Hinders, M. K. 2017. System and method for disrupting auditory communications among animals in a defined locale. Patent: US 9,693,548 B2.

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